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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Original Pink

This cascading wall of ivy covers an entire side of a garage down the alley from my house.  The colors were gorgeous this year and swept me away.  The pink silks came off the shelf in the workroom.  Right now I can't get enough of pink.  But, look at all the variation in the colors of this vine, delicious mix of pink, deep pinks to purples, greens to gold.  I am awed and inspired by color splendor in the natural world.  Sometimes when you look more closely you find unexpected appeal in a color mix that in life you're taught 'don't wear those colors together',' those colors clash' or those colors as in pinks and blue have certain connotations - baby colors - that forbid putting them anywhere else.  I am intrigued with the unexpected, the contrary and am moved to work it in fiber.   There is more here and I'm not done.


Barb said...

There is so much inspiration in just that little patch of flora! The shawl is lovely. It seems that when I want to weave something I usually wonder what it would look like with gray and pink. In fact, my next infinity scarf is leaning that way. And now.......you have inspired me even more to do just that!

riverweave said...

Nice - thank you Barb! Can't wait to see your inspiration finished.

annie said...

it's so interesting what sparks inspiration sometimes. unexpected colors in unexpected (or maybe not so unexpected...) places is such a reliable source for me, too. and i love breaking color rules! must have been raised by someone who felt the same way. :)

riverweave said...

... the branch doesn't fall far from the tree...(?) Is that the saying? Haha, thanks Annie!