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Friday, August 29, 2014

Textu - real

OK, I know I talk about texture a lot but I have to share these photos from the Allen Centennial Gardens in Madison.  Since textu-real is not a recognized word - I hyphenate because that was the first word that popped into my head looking at photos I took.

This pot is especially sublime.  Go visit this garden if you can.  It's located on a small plot of land on the campus of UW-Madison.  The most has been made of that space.  Inspiring and beautiful.

This is an indulgence post.  When dead-winter is upon us, coming back to this post. I will probably get the mental and emotional boost that will be needed along about January, February and March.

That lake boathouse and the chairs in the last post - came out here.


Love sunflowers!


annie said...

those brilliant blues and oranges are so great together. and i love that pot of succulents. must recreate!

riverweave said...

Lots of good ideas there!

Unknown said...

I was thinking the same thing about needing to revisit this post in the "dead" of winter. Beautiful photos and weavings!