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Friday, August 15, 2014


Millions of frogs at the lake this year and water seeping into the cracks, especially the boat house.  We visited the little pond down the road every day to see how many frogs we could count.  Toads and dragonflies too.  Couldn't help but think of the Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher and his slippy, sloppy larder.

I love this place.  We have shared many memories here and though some things have changed, a lot remains the same.  Smart management by the owner family keep it that way.  We know what to expect when we come back every year.  The last picture is sunrise on the lake, imagine the loon calls and the cacophony of the Martin birds waking up.  Northern Minnesota, near a place called Pelican Rapids.

Summer time weaving.  Recently it's been gold and a taupe-y color with a green tint - can't come up with a name for this color, the supplier gives it only a number.  And then it's been blues, reds and greens mixed up.  Always mix it up.

Finished gold and that taupe-y color with some light blue mixed in.   Threads perspective looking down through the loom and the last, a look over the lamms at high tension.  This piece is off the loom now, can't wait to see what it looks like after a wash.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Hi there; you have nice vacations!
I'm wondering; any way you can tell me the makeup of the lovely linen vests? I've been straining to see where seams and selveges are; I can't see any seams, woven in 3 separate peices? Or two with cut armholes?
If you don't mind, could you show me, even approx sizes, and the size ans sett of the linen? This is quite new to me. (The blue and olive one is especially pretty).
Thanks so much Fran (Calgary,Alberta)