Riverweave Studio on etsy.com

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Contemporary / Handwoven / Made to Wear

I've been weaving fabric to make vests, waist-coats, jackets, vest-toppers, what to call these?  I keep finding new words that apply, haven't decided which word is the best.  This garment is designed, woven, sewn and finished (washed) by me.

When a daughter is at home I ask her to model.  She is usually a good sport, humoring me, reminding me she is not a model -- but,  you know, they are in their 20's and from my point of view perfect for the job.   I always like the result.  However they will look good on you even if you are not in your 20's.  Look for them on my etsy site.

All are woven in combinations of linen, wool, silk and Tencel